Monday, December 5, 2011

We Survived Phase One

Seriously, to say we worked our butts off this weekend is an understatement! Working hard paid off. We got down and dirty, literally, and primed all the walls and ceiling, and even got around to painting the entire ceiling! Here's a little after shot of us:

No, that isn't a clown, its Micah. I promise I am covered in paint as well, just not right up in my face. I was on rolling duty.

We started early Saturday and got done late Sunday night....sadly, that's just priming the walls. The real color hasn't even gone up yet! We did manage to paint all the ceilings though. At first I was not so keen on the idea, but as the white paint went up, I realized how yellow the ceilings were. The white instantly brightened the rooms!

It took us a few good hours to prep the entire house. That means covering all the floors and all the windows and doors. After about 4 hours, we had something that looked like this:


Every single ounce of floor had to be covered, as well as every opening, and anything else that was laying around. We primed all day Saturday, and Sunday, half drunk from exhaustion, we decided to rent an airless spray tank.

After watching a few YouTube tutorials (thank goodness for YouTube) we felt we were ready to go. Micah decided to take on the spray action and I was right behind him pointing out spots he missed, as well as going over saturated areas with a rolling brush. 

Of course, we took necessary precautions.

It took a little getting used to, but man, are we glad we invested the money! We were able to knock out two coats, of the whole ceiling, in a few hours. It would of taken two days with rollers!

By the second coat, Micah had a cute little prance he was doing. I wish I would have gotten it on video!

We were so confident by the time we finished, we even primed the last room using the sprayer! Now, we are planning on using the good old fashioned roller to apply the final color, but this was an overall great experience.

The current challenge we are facing is choosing a paint color for the main living areas! We have been through 21 samples and still can't agree on one! Micah is leaning towards something beige and I would like something in the cooler family, like a pale, pale gray- blue, something that appears white, until you lean it up against something that actually is white. Here are the first few we tried:

The good news is that we did agree on a bedroom color! It's one of these, and we are painting it tomorrow!

Can't wait to share the final bedroom with everyone!

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