Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hall Closet, A.K.A.-The Best Idea Ever!

As promised, I am back with photos of the hall closet! Here's the back story in case you forgot. This ol' 1959 house was, let's just say, short or some closet space! In our planning stages, we came up with the idea to move the hall wall up two feet and create a closet behind it. Here is what the living room wall originally looked like...

Notice how the wall butts up to the exterior wall? Well, after
a lil' bit of this...

We had something, that from the living room, looked like this...

Tada! We have a floating wall! Love it! Interestingly, considering we have lost 2 feet in the living room, the space feels so much bigger!

And now, for the whole reason we got all crazy with this wall, let's check out the back side.....

Now that is some storage! This closet alone, more than doubled the existing closet space of this house. And with the closets we are adding to the master bedroom, we will have more than enough space to store all our things. We are a family of four, and you know how things start adding up!

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